SANTORINI 1 DAY travel speedboat
Many reasons have
made this dream island globally famous and many of us have seen magnificent
pictures of it.
Scientists relate Santorini to the mythical Atlantis. Also, Jules Verne has
made Santorini famous through his novels “Twenty thousand leagues
under the sea” and “The mysterious island”.
Santorini is an ancient island,where the life of the volcano has significantly
influenced the island’s structure and the lifestyle of its inhabitants
throughout history. Another reason that has made the island well known is the
view of the “Caldera”.
The marvelous dry climate and unbroken sunshine create year around
conditions which are perfect for observation, photographs and videos under
an extraordinary variety of natural light and colors, while it gives you the
exceptional advantage of reaching the interior of the volcano by boat.
Taking the speed boat across and joining the professional guide who will
let you in on all of the history is a firm favorite amongst holiday